We created this team, all passionate advocates for global social justice, social development, and wealth redistribution. We see the world full of inequality and feel we can be a voice and a hand to promote education, awareness, and action to achieve a more equitable and sustainable world. Everyone has the right to live free from poverty, discrimination, and oppression, and achieving social justice requires a coordinated effort from individuals, governments, and civil society.

Who we are?

Our team comprises individuals from diverse backgrounds and upbringings. We come from different ethnicities, nationalities, and professions, such as economists, activists, academics, and community organizers. We bring together a wealth of expertise and experience to promote global social justice and advocate for positive change.

Our vision

Our passion for social justice and sustainable development is rooted in a belief that everyone deserves the opportunity to thrive and fulfill their potential. We believe that addressing the root causes of poverty, inequality, and discrimination is critical to achieving this goal. Our work promotes policies and initiatives that can create a more equitable and sustainable world, including wealth redistribution, progressive taxation, social welfare programs, and international aid.

Through cooperation with various NGOs, we see that our effort can result in a better, more equal world.

What you can expect?

At GlobalSocialJustice.eu, we are committed to promoting education and awareness about the challenges and potential solutions for achieving global social justice. We want to invite those with a similar view willing to get their hands dirty and work together for our future and generations to come.

Education is critical to empowering individuals and communities to take action and advocate for positive change. We strive to provide resources, information, and inspiration to individuals, organizations, and communities to promote social justice and sustainable development.

Our goal

One of our primary goals is to raise awareness about the world’s challenges today, including poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation. Promoting education and awareness can inspire individuals to take action and advocate for positive change. Addressing these challenges locally, nationally, and globally is also essential. We promote policies and initiatives that create an equitable world.

Our work promotes social justice and sustainable development across various issues, including human rights, gender equality, environmental sustainability, and economic development. We believe that addressing these issues requires a coordinated effort from governments, civil society, and individuals.

At GlobalSocialJustice.eu, we advocate for global social justice, social development, and wealth redistribution. We aim to promote education, awareness, and action to achieve a more equitable and sustainable world. We believe everyone has the right to live a life free from poverty, discrimination, and oppression, and it is our collective responsibility to work towards this goal.